
Tempo Special Edition: Tan Malaka

Several day's ago, i got chance to chat with my of old friend. It has been 4 year's we be a part without any contact. I surprises she read this blog...she said "i like it", thanks...

We talk much about some topics that already i post...one of them is about Madilog by Tan Malaka n then she ask me if i could send her the complete articles from tempo magazines Tan Malaka editon...

Hmmm.....it makes me lit confused, cos that file is separated into large amount file. But lately i got idea to make it into ebook, n last night i finished that. 
Ok here it is...

Hope u all like it......happy reading..........C'ya
+ u can also get "GERPOLEK" here
PS: use foxit reader to open the ebook....*recommended


[DIY] Danbo papercraft

the pattern pict can u get here

vid tutorial


Grey 4 Pineapple ( Pineapple on mr3020 with 8/16 MB ROM Flash )

File : openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin
Size:   7.75 MB (8,126,464 bytes)
Description: pineapple mod firmware for TP link mr3020 with 8/16 MB Rom Flash
Distribution : freeware
Md5checksum: 398178cb78ef22f9e21b65a7d0885bfb

 Download link: click here 

- it would be better if u have 16 MB than 8 MB rom flash in ur router... ^^
- pointing ur internet browser to




 Ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas koneksi wifi. Beberapa yang sering diterapkan diantaranya adalah: dengan cara merubah regulatory domain+menaikkan nilai power peripheral wifi card, menggunakan booster, dan juga dengan menambahkan antenna.
Winsurfer antenna adalah salah satunya. Antenna jenis ini lebih tepat dikatakan sebagai extend dari omni antenna yang bisa dengan mudah lepas-pasangkan. 


Android 3x3 Pattern Lock Cracker

File name: AndroidPatternCrack.tar.gz
Size:   30,596 KB
Description: This tool is using to decrypt gesture.key into pattern lock key.
Distribution : freeware
Md5checksum: 669883014b10ce9d1e30232573b57acb
Download link: click here 

  •  Using dictionary that avaiable to get here.
  •  Running under unix/nux environment.
  •  Usage = bash ./crack_pattern.sh [gesture file]
    ex.  bash ./crack_pattern.sh gesture.key 
  • To get gesture.key u can obtain it by using two several way
    •  Using ADB, ( adb shell && adb pull /data/system/gesture.key) *require to enabled adb debugger and rooted phone.
    •  By examine backup image of NAND rom device, to get the image u can reboot and choose backup in CWM. After that u can see some file created under SDcard ( /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2013-0*-**.**.**.**/ ) such as .android_secure.vfat.tar, cache.yaffs2.img, data.yaffs2.img, sd-ext.ext2.tar, system.yaffs2.img. At last use yaffey or yaff2util to open data.yaffs2.img file...see u can see gesture.key under /system directory. *need CWM or another backup tool in android phone kernel.
    • Using CWM, by choosin mount>>mount data>>then connect ur device to PC thru usb>>find gesture.key under system folder (*thanks to rastri to remind me about this one...^^)
  •  3x3 pattern gesture.key sample files can be download here .
  • Try it ....^^

Thank to : Eric Draven (RNDC.or.id) for fix the script... ; )

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