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Tampilkan postingan dengan label openwrt. Tampilkan semua postingan


My Stuff @IDSECCONF-2015 & CODEBALI-2015

Photo by @smrx86 download material: White Paper IDSECCONF 2015 Presentation CODEBALI 2015 Presentation firmware  Demo 1. Flashing Demo 2. Trapcookies Demo 3. Sslstrip  ...


Smart Controll MR3020 Wps Led via Android App

Filename: kankun_at_mr3020.bin Size:  2884 KB Description: Controlling mr3020 WPS led via android app. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: cf31caded64044138fea25af0ff16db7  Download link: click here   preview isuue: router ip address is : ssh password: kankunhack Android App can be downloaded at http://kk.huafeng.com:8081/android/Smartwifi.apk  This firmware has no Luci, so if u want to revert to prefer f/w u should flash thru ssh access. ...


My Stuff @Seminar Riset Nasional Id-SIRTII/CC vol. V

Photo by @smrx86 [generally this things is RE-TALK about wispi] download: White Paper firmware  Demo 1. Flashing Demo 2. spoofhost for phising Password (still): idsecconf2014 related post: http://semaraks.blogspot.com/2014/11/my-stuff-idsecconf2014-blog-post-no100.html ...


Wispi for Various Type TP-link Router

WISPI  WisPi ver. 1.1, openwrt f/w for various type tp-link router. This firmware have karma, spoofhost and wifi jammer capability. Distribution : freeware  Download link: TP-link MR3020 click here TP-link MR3040 Ver. 1 click here TP-link MR3040 Ver. 2 click here TP-link MR3220 Ver. 1 click here TP-link MR3220 Ver. 2 click here TP-link MR3420 Ver. 1 click here TP-link MR3420 Ver. 2 click here TP-link WR703N click here Changelog Version 1.1 (25/3/2015) Build for various kind router, such as: TP-link WR703N,TP-link MR3040V1, TP-link MR3040v2, TP-link MR3220V1, TP-link MR3220V2, TP-link MR3240V1, TP-link MR3240V2. Version 1.1 (2/12/2014) Adding ugrade page; make easy to change, revert or update the router...


Instacampro on GL-inet (attitude adjustment 12.09)

Filename: instacampro-AA-gl-inet-v1-squashfs factory.bin Size:   15.8 MB (16,515,072 Bytes). Description: This firmware is a porting from my previous instacampro builds. It have many package install on it like mjpeg-streamer, modswitch for 3g modem support, DDNS and Extroot packages. The main idea is origanally comes from minikrebs project. Distribution : freeware. Md5checksum: 6d1470d3e75c57d442b148628c35421a Download link: click here Main issue:   Your webcam must be support V4L and UVC category. only ext4 partition can use to be an exroot. enjoy  ^^ Overview: pict1. terminal pict2. Luci frontend pict3. They are more space left. related source: - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate -...


GL-inet Buildroot ver. Attitude Adjustment 12.09

Filename: trunk.tar.bz2 Size:   9.1 MB (9,550,844 Bytes) Description: Openwrt buildroot version attitude adjustment that support to developing GL-inet firmware. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: e3e6d4d9a0c0c8b8d77ce9023eb6de46 Manual / Howto : http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/buildroot.exigence Download link: click here...


Patches 16 MiB for GL-inet AA (ver 12.09)

Filename: 01-gl-inetAA16MiB.patch Size:   8.0 KB (8,190 Bytes) Description: If you get trouble cooking 16 MiB firmware for gl-inet, then maybe this patches. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: b1011d2270f8729b76e2ead80e7bf080 Download link: click here  ...


Bitcoin mining with MR3020

Filename: bfgminerwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-ads-b.bin Size:   3.8 MB (3,932,160 Bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 that intended for bitcoin mining. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: b1011d2270f8729b76e2ead80e7bf080  Download link: click here  Issue:   Before use this f/w, make sure u already enough read and try using openwrt without Luci gui.  Support Antminer, ZeusMiner, GridSeed, DualMiner, and SHA2 ASICs. Get started by entering into terminal : connect ur dongle >> turn on the router>> connect ur notebook with lan/cat cable >> telnet >> type bfgminer and then set up ur pool setting and pool password. After that make a route...


WiSpi ver 1.1 for TP-link MR3020 (Mini Karma Router)

File name: wisp-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin Size:   3,75 MB (3.932.160 bytes) Description: WisPi ver. 1.1, openwrt f/w for tplink MR3020 with karma, spoofhost and wifi jammer capability. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 9421a99a9e4f67305968863c70bd0e01  Download link: click here  Changelog  Version 1.1 (2/12/2014) -  Adding ugrade page; make easy to change, revert or update the router f/w. - Adding phising page to improve spoofthost capability. - Bug fix in Karma trigger. - Adding encoder/decoder page; simple script to encode/decode html, base64 and hex string. - Autossh for automate login system. - Admin page :,  username: root  password: idsecconf2014 ver1.0...


My Stuff @Idsecconf2014 (blog post no.100)

Photo courtesy by K-159 download: Paper Presentation firmware Password: idsecconf20...


WR1043ND v 1, an Angels n Demons Router Box



Vid about infusions and apps in Pineapple MK V clone ( TL-MR3020 )

1. PinAP n Karma 2. RTLSDR streamer 3. .... (in progre...


Pineapple Mark V clone ( TP-Link mr3020 )



Fix The SSID Karma Log (end)

I realized it's something different with my pineapple clone (see previous post), there is no SSID log being generated after karma start. Not just that ...the 'enabled' indicator also doesn't appear under dhcp leasess index (not the karma indicator in the left side). But now it's already fixed.... hehhehe i think am ready to write the full tutorial...ok c'ya in d next post. ...


Pineapple clone on MR3040

for tutorial : http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineappl...


Mark II: Instacampro for TL-MR3040 V1

Filename: openwrt-ar71xx-tl-mr3040-v1-instacampro-markII.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: an upgraded of instacampro firmware for tplink MR3040 V 1. This f/w allow you to use mjpg-streamer (webcam video stream over web browser/app) for most of usb webcam china product without extroot or usb hub. So u can attach it with ur router everywhere or even mount it on RC car. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: cbe36e891dff1dd5a965c3db514c0794  Download link: click here  Main issue: Make sure to changes mjpg-streamer configuration to enabled first before u use it ( vi /etc/config/mjpg-streamer and change option enabled '0' to option enabled '1' ) *under ssh terminal Check first ur web cam is recognized...


ADS-B on MR3020

File name: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-ads-b.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 that support rtl-sdr dongle and have dump1090 to decode ads-b signal Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 87b86e1f456c10d66c54845440358c3b  Download link: click here  Preview Need help # dump1090 -h Unknown or not enough arguments for option '-h'. --device-index Select RTL device (default: 0). --gain Set gain (default: max gain. Use -100 for auto-gain). --enable-agc Enable the Automatic Gain Control (default: off). --freq Set frequency (default: 1090 Mhz). --ifile Read data from file (use '-' for stdin). --interactive Interactive mode refreshing data on screen. --interactive-rows...


rickroll on mr3040

File name: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3040-v1 rickroll.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3040 ver 1 with with auto rickroller feature (every link that users wants to connect will leads into local index in ur openwrt). Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 22c63099bd192db5a46a07ee02b02531  Download link: click here main issue: Pretty same function with mr3020 auto rickroll, but this one used for TP-LINK MR3040 ver 1. this f/w also get several changes in package and the landing point.... :P  Right after u flashing the router u will get "free@wifi.id" as ur SSID (Always think like a fish, no matter how weird it gets). There is a lot of chance if u want to inject...


Grey 4 Pineapple ( Pineapple on mr3020 with 8/16 MB ROM Flash )

File : openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin Size:   7.75 MB (8,126,464 bytes) Description: pineapple mod firmware for TP link mr3020 with 8/16 MB Rom Flash Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 398178cb78ef22f9e21b65a7d0885bfb  Download link: click here  issue:  - it would be better if u have 16 MB than 8 MB rom flash in ur router... ^^ - pointing ur internet browser to reference: -  http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineapple/ - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate...


mr 3020 run pineapple jasanger ...but karma not

 find tut in: http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineapple/ main issue;  - U need dsniff to perform dnspoof and urlsnarf - To install dsniff u need to take it on minipwner repository, do this : opkg update opkg install  libpcap libnids libnet0 libopenssl libgdbm librpc cd /tmp wget http://www.minipwner.com/20120514/downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk opkg install dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk - U also need autossh n other packages whose in pineapple mark4 but didn't bring on pentura tutorial...here they are : at  autossh  chat  comgt  crda  empty  ettercap  hostapd-utils  hostapd  iptables-mod-ipopt  iptables-mod-nat-extra  kmod-ath9k-htc ...

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