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Smart Controll MR3020 Wps Led via Android App

Filename: kankun_at_mr3020.bin Size:  2884 KB Description: Controlling mr3020 WPS led via android app. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: cf31caded64044138fea25af0ff16db7  Download link: click here   preview isuue: router ip address is : ssh password: kankunhack Android App can be downloaded at http://kk.huafeng.com:8081/android/Smartwifi.apk  This firmware has no Luci, so if u want to revert to prefer f/w u should flash thru ssh access. ...


Mark II: Instacampro for TL-MR3040 V1

Filename: openwrt-ar71xx-tl-mr3040-v1-instacampro-markII.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: an upgraded of instacampro firmware for tplink MR3040 V 1. This f/w allow you to use mjpg-streamer (webcam video stream over web browser/app) for most of usb webcam china product without extroot or usb hub. So u can attach it with ur router everywhere or even mount it on RC car. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: cbe36e891dff1dd5a965c3db514c0794  Download link: click here  Main issue: Make sure to changes mjpg-streamer configuration to enabled first before u use it ( vi /etc/config/mjpg-streamer and change option enabled '0' to option enabled '1' ) *under ssh terminal Check first ur web cam is recognized...


Android 3x3 Pattern Lock Cracker

File name: AndroidPatternCrack.tar.gz Size:   30,596 KB Description: This tool is using to decrypt gesture.key into pattern lock key. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 669883014b10ce9d1e30232573b57acb Download link: click here    notes:  Using dictionary that avaiable to get here.  Running under unix/nux environment.  Usage = bash ./crack_pattern.sh [gesture file]ex.  bash ./crack_pattern.sh gesture.key  To get gesture.key u can obtain it by using two several way  Using ADB, ( adb shell && adb pull /data/system/gesture.key) *require to enabled adb debugger and rooted phone.  By examine backup image of NAND rom device, to get the image u can reboot and choose backup...

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