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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Tip n Trick's. Tampilkan semua postingan


Smart Controll MR3020 Wps Led via Android App

Filename: kankun_at_mr3020.bin Size:  2884 KB Description: Controlling mr3020 WPS led via android app. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: cf31caded64044138fea25af0ff16db7  Download link: click here   preview isuue: router ip address is : ssh password: kankunhack Android App can be downloaded at http://kk.huafeng.com:8081/android/Smartwifi.apk  This firmware has no Luci, so if u want to revert to prefer f/w u should flash thru ssh access. ...


GL-inet Buildroot ver. Attitude Adjustment 12.09

Filename: trunk.tar.bz2 Size:   9.1 MB (9,550,844 Bytes) Description: Openwrt buildroot version attitude adjustment that support to developing GL-inet firmware. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: e3e6d4d9a0c0c8b8d77ce9023eb6de46 Manual / Howto : http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/buildroot.exigence Download link: click here...


Patches 16 MiB for GL-inet AA (ver 12.09)

Filename: 01-gl-inetAA16MiB.patch Size:   8.0 KB (8,190 Bytes) Description: If you get trouble cooking 16 MiB firmware for gl-inet, then maybe this patches. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: b1011d2270f8729b76e2ead80e7bf080 Download link: click here  ...


Bitcoin mining with MR3020

Filename: bfgminerwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-ads-b.bin Size:   3.8 MB (3,932,160 Bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 that intended for bitcoin mining. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: b1011d2270f8729b76e2ead80e7bf080  Download link: click here  Issue:   Before use this f/w, make sure u already enough read and try using openwrt without Luci gui.  Support Antminer, ZeusMiner, GridSeed, DualMiner, and SHA2 ASICs. Get started by entering into terminal : connect ur dongle >> turn on the router>> connect ur notebook with lan/cat cable >> telnet >> type bfgminer and then set up ur pool setting and pool password. After that make a route...


Vid about infusions and apps in Pineapple MK V clone ( TL-MR3020 )

1. PinAP n Karma 2. RTLSDR streamer 3. .... (in progre...


Fix The SSID Karma Log (end)

I realized it's something different with my pineapple clone (see previous post), there is no SSID log being generated after karma start. Not just that ...the 'enabled' indicator also doesn't appear under dhcp leasess index (not the karma indicator in the left side). But now it's already fixed.... hehhehe i think am ready to write the full tutorial...ok c'ya in d next post. ...


Pineapple clone on MR3040

for tutorial : http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineappl...


Mark II: Instacampro for TL-MR3040 V1

Filename: openwrt-ar71xx-tl-mr3040-v1-instacampro-markII.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: an upgraded of instacampro firmware for tplink MR3040 V 1. This f/w allow you to use mjpg-streamer (webcam video stream over web browser/app) for most of usb webcam china product without extroot or usb hub. So u can attach it with ur router everywhere or even mount it on RC car. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: cbe36e891dff1dd5a965c3db514c0794  Download link: click here  Main issue: Make sure to changes mjpg-streamer configuration to enabled first before u use it ( vi /etc/config/mjpg-streamer and change option enabled '0' to option enabled '1' ) *under ssh terminal Check first ur web cam is recognized...


Grey 4 Pineapple ( Pineapple on mr3020 with 8/16 MB ROM Flash )

File : openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin Size:   7.75 MB (8,126,464 bytes) Description: pineapple mod firmware for TP link mr3020 with 8/16 MB Rom Flash Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 398178cb78ef22f9e21b65a7d0885bfb  Download link: click here  issue:  - it would be better if u have 16 MB than 8 MB rom flash in ur router... ^^ - pointing ur internet browser to reference: -  http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineapple/ - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate...



 Ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas koneksi wifi. Beberapa yang sering diterapkan diantaranya adalah: dengan cara merubah regulatory domain+menaikkan nilai power peripheral wifi card, menggunakan booster, dan juga dengan menambahkan antenna. Winsurfer antenna adalah salah satunya. Antenna jenis ini lebih tepat dikatakan sebagai extend dari omni antenna yang bisa dengan mudah lepas-pasangkan.&nbs...


Android 3x3 Pattern Lock Cracker

File name: AndroidPatternCrack.tar.gz Size:   30,596 KB Description: This tool is using to decrypt gesture.key into pattern lock key. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 669883014b10ce9d1e30232573b57acb Download link: click here    notes:  Using dictionary that avaiable to get here.  Running under unix/nux environment.  Usage = bash ./crack_pattern.sh [gesture file]ex.  bash ./crack_pattern.sh gesture.key  To get gesture.key u can obtain it by using two several way  Using ADB, ( adb shell && adb pull /data/system/gesture.key) *require to enabled adb debugger and rooted phone.  By examine backup image of NAND rom device, to get the image u can reboot and choose backup...


mr 3020 run pineapple jasanger ...but karma not

 find tut in: http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineapple/ main issue;  - U need dsniff to perform dnspoof and urlsnarf - To install dsniff u need to take it on minipwner repository, do this : opkg update opkg install  libpcap libnids libnet0 libopenssl libgdbm librpc cd /tmp wget http://www.minipwner.com/20120514/downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk opkg install dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk - U also need autossh n other packages whose in pineapple mark4 but didn't bring on pentura tutorial...here they are : at  autossh  chat  comgt  crda  empty  ettercap  hostapd-utils  hostapd  iptables-mod-ipopt  iptables-mod-nat-extra  kmod-ath9k-htc ...


Hak4Fun: mr3020 Auto Rickroll (custumized openwrt firmware)

File name: openwrt-tl-mr3020-ricklroller.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 with auto rickroller feature (every link that users wants to connect will leads into local index in ur openwrt) Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 1f9ec3669a24b7c4e71098fc00732032  Download link: click here  (copied from hak5)  John Bebo’s Auto-Rickroll payload for the  John Bebo’s Auto-Rickroll payload for the WiFi Pineapple WiFi Pineapple is an excellent example of using   is an excellent example of using Dnsmasq Dnsmasq to  to forward targets to a hosted site. While this site could be malicious, perhaps hosing the  forward targets to a hosted site. While...


Trying New Release Aircrack (aircrack 1.2 beta 1)

wooo...a new aircrack is reborn (again). in  this release some bug already fix, a new support for openwrt  device and they are already patch for new OSX. So far it's look same but there is new tool like airmon-zc , airdriver etc... to install it can follow this  step - make sure ur linux already have Openssl - wget http://download.aircrack-ng.org/aircrack-ng-1.2-beta1.tar.gz tar -zxvf aircrack-ng-1.2-beta1.tar.gz cd aircrack-ng-1.2-beta1 make make install   - enjoy it...


Portable Wifi Disruptor ( costumized TL MR3040 v 2.0 firmware)

File name: openwrt-tl-mr3040-v2-disrupter v1.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3040 v 2.0 with beacon flooder capability...just switch button to "3G" and the jammer/beacon flooder will run... Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: ad4755b3bd966c6a5d384e3b4f05e7cc  Download link: click here nb* this could be implemented coz this cool device is comes with button mode switch... and v 1.0 didn't have it....lol related source: - http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/28926-occupineapple-button-script/ - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/hardware.button - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate - https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=4409...


Turning TL MR3020 Into Portable Wifi Beacon Flooder

This miracle could be happen... when u flashin ur router with this firmware below ~ Quote By Me :P  File name: openwrt-tl-mr3020-v1-disrupter v1.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: An openwrt firmware for TL MR3020 who design to attack wireless network by sending beacon flood...and it can be done just with change switch router button... Distribution : freeware Md5 checksum:  9555cded0279e4e4052dafd29e11b885 Download link: click here  - mirror issue :  Make sure when you flashing the router button is in "WISP" position. You can costumized list of fake AP with edit the list in " /root/aplist/ ". Set the AP encryption by login to, but first you have to set ssh password first To...


Openwrt Firmware for TP LINK MR3020+Luci+3G modem+Alfa AWUS036NHA support

File name: openwrt tl-mr3020+luci+3g modem+awus036nha driver.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 with luci, usb 3g modem support and capability to recognize alfa card AWUS036NHA...so u can use it as cpe or as another ap in one box.(pict) Distribution : freeware Md5 checksum:  336fe29ce4a7d82fa1cfd4fbc7b8d56b Download link: click here...


Raspenwrt (Raspberry pi + Openwrt)

File name: raspenwrt.img Size:   160 MB (167,772,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for raspberry pi...it turning ur raspberry into powerfull router. Distribution : freeware Md5 checksum:  ab784725cfbbdc6cb525d8b764db9a76 Download link: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5  combine and than extract it to get the file single link:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/raspenwrt/ main issue: Require 1000 mA or above power adapter to supply all device that connect into raspberry pi. Require SD card minimum 1 GB class 6 or above, SD with class 4 it's not recomended To get more space in root to install more openwrt module/app, you can resize second (mmcblkop2) partition that have ext 4 type with gparted...


Running Tor in openwrt [tp link mr 3020]

running tor in bactrack it's easy...but how about running tor in ur router,  i might be more excited. imagine u use inet connection together but all connection being relay into tor connection... ok... let's start our engine fisrt, install all required packet   opkg update opkg install tor-alpha-openwrt opkg install tor-alpha-openwrt-geoip opkg install iptables-mod-nat-extra this sections below is part my config files: /etc/conf/network: config interface tor option ifname "ath0" option proto static option ipaddr option netmask /etc/config/dhcp: config dhcp tor option interface tor option start 100 option stop 150 option leasetime 12h /etc/config/firewall: config...


(basic) Activate Monitoring Network Interface in TL-MR3020

Tl-mr3020...I think it's already about three month i got this tiny things in mine. but still until now it always bring more pleasure with a lot of project can we make with this 3g wireless router. Let me see...piratebox project, DDwrt, Openwrt and don't forget bout the Minipwner. For now i'll show u to activate monitoring network interface in tl-mr3020 base on openwrt. but try this make sure u already done with exroot. packet u need to install first: - wireless-tools (This package contains a collection of tools for configuring wireless  adapters implementing the "Linux Wireless Extensions".) - iw  (cfg80211 interface configuration utility) - aircrack-ng (wireless penetration tools) - mdk3 (wireless penetration tools) *optional,...

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