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Bitcoin mining with MR3020

Filename: bfgminerwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-ads-b.bin Size:   3.8 MB (3,932,160 Bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 that intended for bitcoin mining. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: b1011d2270f8729b76e2ead80e7bf080  Download link: click here  Issue:   Before use this f/w, make sure u already enough read and try using openwrt without Luci gui.  Support Antminer, ZeusMiner, GridSeed, DualMiner, and SHA2 ASICs. Get started by entering into terminal : connect ur dongle >> turn on the router>> connect ur notebook with lan/cat cable >> telnet >> type bfgminer and then set up ur pool setting and pool password. After that make a route...

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