
Android 3x3 Pattern Lock Cracker

File name: AndroidPatternCrack.tar.gz Size:   30,596 KB Description: This tool is using to decrypt gesture.key into pattern lock key. Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 669883014b10ce9d1e30232573b57acb Download link: click here    notes:  Using dictionary that avaiable to get here.  Running under unix/nux environment.  Usage = bash ./crack_pattern.sh [gesture file]ex.  bash ./crack_pattern.sh gesture.key  To get gesture.key u can obtain it by using two several way  Using ADB, ( adb shell && adb pull /data/system/gesture.key) *require to enabled adb debugger and rooted phone.  By examine backup image of NAND rom device, to get the image u can reboot and choose backup...

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