
mr 3020 run pineapple jasanger ...but karma not

 find tut in: http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineapple/ main issue;  - U need dsniff to perform dnspoof and urlsnarf - To install dsniff u need to take it on minipwner repository, do this : opkg update opkg install  libpcap libnids libnet0 libopenssl libgdbm librpc cd /tmp wget http://www.minipwner.com/20120514/downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk opkg install dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk - U also need autossh n other packages whose in pineapple mark4 but didn't bring on pentura tutorial...here they are : at  autossh  chat  comgt  crda  empty  ettercap  hostapd-utils  hostapd  iptables-mod-ipopt  iptables-mod-nat-extra  kmod-ath9k-htc ...


Hak4Fun: mr3020 Auto Rickroll (custumized openwrt firmware)

File name: openwrt-tl-mr3020-ricklroller.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 with auto rickroller feature (every link that users wants to connect will leads into local index in ur openwrt) Distribution : freeware Md5checksum: 1f9ec3669a24b7c4e71098fc00732032  Download link: click here  (copied from hak5)  John Bebo’s Auto-Rickroll payload for the  John Bebo’s Auto-Rickroll payload for the WiFi Pineapple WiFi Pineapple is an excellent example of using   is an excellent example of using Dnsmasq Dnsmasq to  to forward targets to a hosted site. While this site could be malicious, perhaps hosing the  forward targets to a hosted site. While...


MiniPwner at Derbycon 2012 (video)



my stuff @Idsecconf 2013

download: Paper Presentation firmware source code related post: http://semaraks.blogspot.com/2013/05/turning-tl-mr3020-into-portable-wifi.html...

Instacampro (Tl MR3020 with webcam+3gmodem+extroot+ddns capability)

File name: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-instacampro.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: An upgrade of instacam project for TL MR3020 with 3gmodem+extroot+ddns capability added Distribution : freeware Md5 checksum:  133aa1f9c3669eddd5698c7ec85fccff Download link: click here Main issue:   ur webcam must be support V4L and UVC category only ext4 partition can use to be an exroot  enjoy related source: - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate - http://shackspace.de/wiki/doku.php?id=project:minikrebs...

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