
Openwrt Firmware for TP LINK MR3020+Luci+3G modem+Alfa AWUS036NHA support

File name: openwrt tl-mr3020+luci+3g modem+awus036nha driver.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 with luci, usb 3g modem support and capability to recognize alfa card AWUS036NHA...so u can use it as cpe or as another ap in one box.(pict) Distribution : freeware Md5 checksum:  336fe29ce4a7d82fa1cfd4fbc7b8d56b Download link: click here...


openwrt firmware for TP LINK MR3040+luci+3g modem_enable

File name: openwrt-mr3040-luci-modem_enable.bin Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes) Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3040 with luci and usb 3g modem capability added Distribution : freeware Md5 checksum:  8ca10b6eb649adb45c639894739419a8 Download link: clik he...


new place for raspenwrt project

in my previous post about raspenwrt i split the file to accept google sites (repo limitation for maximum file size). As suggest from some audience who think why not in single files....so i think it will be good to place it in sourceforge...n here it goes https://sourceforge.net/projects/raspenwr...

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