
(basic) Activate Monitoring Network Interface in TL-MR3020

Tl-mr3020...I think it's already about three month i got this tiny things in mine. but still until now it always bring more pleasure with a lot of project can we make with this 3g wireless router. Let me see...piratebox project, DDwrt, Openwrt and don't forget bout the Minipwner. For now i'll show u to activate monitoring network interface in tl-mr3020 base on openwrt. but try this make sure u already done with exroot. packet u need to install first: - wireless-tools (This package contains a collection of tools for configuring wireless  adapters implementing the "Linux Wireless Extensions".) - iw  (cfg80211 interface configuration utility) - aircrack-ng (wireless penetration tools) - mdk3 (wireless penetration tools) *optional,...

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