
: Karakter alternatif

Mungkin sudah seminggu ini berbagai artikel tentang dokter lo terpampang dimana-mana. dia menjadi tiba2 karakter yg sangat menarik untuk dibicarakan. Pribadinya yg mengukur parameter keprofesionalan dari bagaimana dia bermamfaat, bukan dari bagaimana dihargai menjadi inti gagasan dari brbagai postingan di social media.  Kemunculannya benar-benar seperti karakter alternatif di tengah maraknya problematika dunia medis. Dan...soal itu karena di set awak jurnalis atau bukan?tak lagi  penting.

Para dokter melakukan aksi mogok, menkes berkoar2 tentang pekan kondom nasional yang disertai bus kelilingnya, terakhir ini juga disusul dengan pernyataan tentang lemak babi dalam vaksin di indonesia. Semua ditayangkan media tanpa putus dan siap sedia kapanpun menenggelincirkan opini masyarakat jadi...harapan itu tak ada lagi.

Tapi bukan sederetan masalah itu yang akan dan perlu ditampar dengan judul "Dokter Tanpa Tarif". Adalah simbolik "kalau miskin ya jangan sakit"lah yang harus di turunkan dari semua rumah sakit di Indonesia. Arogansi yang tercipta karna keuntungan/kapital menjadi segalany. Memperkuat kesenjangan sosial... ini si Kaya dan ini si bukan siapa-siapa.....wujud polaritas yg menyesakkan.

Dilain hal....ide kesehatan gratis yang digadang-gadangkan mereka berencana akan menjabat semakin memperparah simpul masalahnya. Menggelontorkan gagasan tanpa tahu bagaimana program tersebut dijalankan. Alhasil pengobatan tak layak, budget dan tenaga medis yang terbatas....tidak lagi menjadi concern mereka saat duduk di kursi kepemimpinan. Yang tadi begitu menjanjikan berakhir menjadi omong kosong.

Kembali ke mogoknya para dokter kemarin!. Dicibir memang bukan tujuan dari tuntutan dari aksi pemogokan tersebut, tapi itu adalah konsekuensi yang diperoleh jika aksi tersebut ditujukaan untuk mendapat pengahargaan pengabdiannya. IDI sebagai sebuah lembaga mungkin belum menyadari bahwa suatu benda bernama simpatik ini hari amat sangat langka. Terlebih pada sesuatu yang tak tentu akan berguna langsung bagi masyarakat. Belum lagi saat pemberitaan semua yang atas nama uang menyendera pasien saat tak bisa melunasi bonny...saat semua yang atas nama ketersinggungan memperkarakan pasien yang bekeluh lewat emailny. so...yang jadi pertanyaanny: kemana IDI saat itu?Apakah existensiny hanya untuk para dokter?lalu bagaimana caranya kami mengapresiasi aksi mogok itu jika anda mengambil posisi oppose dengan masyarakat kecil kebanyakan? .

Pertimbangkan lagi....sudah waktuny lembaga yang menaungi para dokter ini mebenarkan arah kemudinya. Jangan lagi terkodifikasi sebagai bagian dari burukny kapitalisme dunia medis. Bercerminlah pada sikap dokter lo luar biasa yang tak mengambil spesialisasi semata-mata karna ingin tetap dekat pasiennya, membaca dedikasiny itu sebagai sebuah teladan. Dan sekiranya memang perlu menghimpun kekuatan masa...maka itu haruslah berangkat dengan ide yang besar....berdiri diposisi terdepan bagi mereka benar2 terpinggirkan.


Tempo Special Edition: Tan Malaka

Several day's ago, i got chance to chat with my of old friend. It has been 4 year's we be a part without any contact. I surprises she read this blog...she said "i like it", thanks...

We talk much about some topics that already i post...one of them is about Madilog by Tan Malaka n then she ask me if i could send her the complete articles from tempo magazines Tan Malaka editon...

Hmmm.....it makes me lit confused, cos that file is separated into large amount file. But lately i got idea to make it into ebook, n last night i finished that. 
Ok here it is...

Hope u all like it......happy reading..........C'ya
+ u can also get "GERPOLEK" here
PS: use foxit reader to open the ebook....*recommended


[DIY] Danbo papercraft

the pattern pict can u get here

vid tutorial


Grey 4 Pineapple ( Pineapple on mr3020 with 8/16 MB ROM Flash )

File : openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin
Size:   7.75 MB (8,126,464 bytes)
Description: pineapple mod firmware for TP link mr3020 with 8/16 MB Rom Flash
Distribution : freeware
Md5checksum: 398178cb78ef22f9e21b65a7d0885bfb

 Download link: click here 

- it would be better if u have 16 MB than 8 MB rom flash in ur router... ^^
- pointing ur internet browser to




 Ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas koneksi wifi. Beberapa yang sering diterapkan diantaranya adalah: dengan cara merubah regulatory domain+menaikkan nilai power peripheral wifi card, menggunakan booster, dan juga dengan menambahkan antenna.
Winsurfer antenna adalah salah satunya. Antenna jenis ini lebih tepat dikatakan sebagai extend dari omni antenna yang bisa dengan mudah lepas-pasangkan. 


Android 3x3 Pattern Lock Cracker

File name: AndroidPatternCrack.tar.gz
Size:   30,596 KB
Description: This tool is using to decrypt gesture.key into pattern lock key.
Distribution : freeware
Md5checksum: 669883014b10ce9d1e30232573b57acb
Download link: click here 

  •  Using dictionary that avaiable to get here.
  •  Running under unix/nux environment.
  •  Usage = bash ./crack_pattern.sh [gesture file]
    ex.  bash ./crack_pattern.sh gesture.key 
  • To get gesture.key u can obtain it by using two several way
    •  Using ADB, ( adb shell && adb pull /data/system/gesture.key) *require to enabled adb debugger and rooted phone.
    •  By examine backup image of NAND rom device, to get the image u can reboot and choose backup in CWM. After that u can see some file created under SDcard ( /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2013-0*-**.**.**.**/ ) such as .android_secure.vfat.tar, cache.yaffs2.img, data.yaffs2.img, sd-ext.ext2.tar, system.yaffs2.img. At last use yaffey or yaff2util to open data.yaffs2.img file...see u can see gesture.key under /system directory. *need CWM or another backup tool in android phone kernel.
    • Using CWM, by choosin mount>>mount data>>then connect ur device to PC thru usb>>find gesture.key under system folder (*thanks to rastri to remind me about this one...^^)
  •  3x3 pattern gesture.key sample files can be download here .
  • Try it ....^^

Thank to : Eric Draven (RNDC.or.id) for fix the script... ; )


    mr 3020 run pineapple jasanger ...but karma not

     find tut in: http://penturalabs.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/blue-for-the-pineapple/

    main issue; 
    - U need dsniff to perform dnspoof and urlsnarf
    - To install dsniff u need to take it on minipwner repository, do this :
    opkg update
    opkg install  libpcap libnids libnet0 libopenssl libgdbm librpc
    cd /tmp
    wget http://www.minipwner.com/20120514/downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk
    opkg install dsniff_2.4b1-2_ar71xx.ipk

    - U also need autossh n other packages whose in pineapple mark4 but didn't bring on pentura tutorial...here they are :
    at  autossh  chat  comgt  crda  empty  ettercap  hostapd-utils  hostapd  iptables-mod-ipopt  iptables-mod-nat-extra  kmod-ath9k-htc  kmod-button-hotplug  kmod-crypto-hash  kmod-crypto-manager  kmod-eeprom-93cx6  kmod-fs-nfs-common  kmod-fs-nfs  kmod-input-core  kmod-input-gpio-keys-polled  kmod-input-polldev  kmod-ipt-ipopt  kmod-ipt-nat-extra  kmod-lib-crc-itu-t  kmod-nls-utf8  kmod-rt2800-lib  kmod-rt2800-usb  kmod-rt2x00-lib  kmod-rt2x00-usb  kmod-rt73-usb  kmod-rtl8180  kmod-rtl8187  kmod-scsi-generic  kmod-tun  kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether  kmod-usb-net-rndis  kmod-usb-net  kmod-usb-serial  kmod-usb-uhci  libcom_err  libcurl  libelf1  libext2fs  libltdl  libnet1  libsqlite3  libusb-1.0  libusb-compat  macchanger  php4-cgi  php4  procd  sdparm  usb-modeswitch-data  usb-modeswitch  usbreset  usbutils  zoneinfo-core

    - So sad...although with this all  i still can't runs karma on.... -_-' , if u can make its work please message me to this email.


    Hak4Fun: mr3020 Auto Rickroll (custumized openwrt firmware)

    File name: openwrt-tl-mr3020-ricklroller.bin
    Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
    Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 with auto rickroller feature (every link that users wants to connect will leads into local index in ur openwrt)
    Distribution : freeware
    Md5checksum: 1f9ec3669a24b7c4e71098fc00732032

     Download link: click here 

    (copied from hak5)
     John Bebo’s Auto-Rickroll payload for the  John Bebo’s Auto-Rickroll payload for the WiFi Pineapple WiFi Pineapple is an excellent example of using   is an excellent example of using Dnsmasq Dnsmasq to  to
    forward targets to a hosted site. While this site could be malicious, perhaps hosing the  forward targets to a hosted site. While this site could be malicious, perhaps hosing the Browser Browser
    Exploitation Framework Exploitation Framework, Bebo’s payload is a safe and simple prank. Any web site a victim attempts to , Bebo’s payload is a safe and simple prank. Any web site a victim attempts to
    browse to brings them to a  browse to brings them to a WiFi Pineapple WiFi Pineapple hosted page containing   hosted page containing Rick Astley Rick Astley ASCII Art and looping  ASCII Art and looping
    audio. It uses a similar technique employed by Captive Portals something we’ll explore in more detail audio. It uses a similar technique employed by Captive Portals  something we’ll explore in more detail
    soon “ except a lot more annoying.
    overview :

    main issue:
    • Right after u flashing the router u will get "free@wifi.id" as ur SSID (Always think like a fish, no matter how weird it gets).
    • There is a lot of chance if u want to inject ur own payloads on it (just edit the index.html or make something new).
    • This firmware only contain some basic packages, there is no Luci there. So i remind u again...don't try if not familiar with flashing thru ssh terminal/putty or else. 
    related source: 


    MiniPwner at Derbycon 2012 (video)


    Instacampro (Tl MR3020 with webcam+3gmodem+extroot+ddns capability)

    File name: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-instacampro.bin
    Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
    Description: An upgrade of instacam project for TL MR3020 with 3gmodem+extroot+ddns capability added
    Distribution : freeware
    Md5 checksum:  133aa1f9c3669eddd5698c7ec85fccff
    Download link: click here

    Main issue:  
    • ur webcam must be support V4L and UVC category
    • only ext4 partition can use to be an exroot 
    • enjoy

    related source:
    - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate
    - http://shackspace.de/wiki/doku.php?id=project:minikrebs


    Trying New Release Aircrack (aircrack 1.2 beta 1)

    wooo...a new aircrack is reborn (again). in  this release some bug already fix, a new support for openwrt  device and they are already patch for new OSX. So far it's look same but there is new tool like airmon-zc , airdriver etc...
    to install it can follow this  step

    - make sure ur linux already have Openssl
    - wget http://download.aircrack-ng.org/aircrack-ng-1.2-beta1.tar.gz
      tar -zxvf aircrack-ng-1.2-beta1.tar.gz
      cd aircrack-ng-1.2-beta1
      make install
    - enjoy it 


    Portable Wifi Disruptor ( costumized TL MR3040 v 2.0 firmware)

    File name: openwrt-tl-mr3040-v2-disrupter v1.bin
    Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
    Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3040 v 2.0 with beacon flooder capability...just switch button to "3G" and the jammer/beacon flooder will run...
    Distribution : freeware
    Md5checksum: ad4755b3bd966c6a5d384e3b4f05e7cc

     Download link: click here


    Turning TL MR3020 Into Portable Wifi Beacon Flooder

    This miracle could be happen...
    when u flashin ur router with this firmware below ~ Quote By Me :P 

    File name: openwrt-tl-mr3020-v1-disrupter v1.bin
    Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
    Description: An openwrt firmware for TL MR3020 who design to attack wireless network by sending beacon flood...and it can be done just with change switch router button...
    Distribution : freeware
    Md5 checksum:  9555cded0279e4e4052dafd29e11b885
    Download link: click here  - mirror

    issue :
    •  Make sure when you flashing the router button is in "WISP" position.
    • You can costumized list of fake AP with edit the list in " /root/aplist/ ".
    • Set the AP encryption by login to, but first you have to set ssh password first
    • To run the disruptor just switch the button to "3G" position, and to stop switch to "AP". 
    • it may take lit time to run...so be patient
    • Have phun...^^

    related source:
    - http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/28926-occupineapple-button-script/
    - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/hardware.button
    - http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate 


    Openwrt Firmware for TP LINK MR3020+Luci+3G modem+Alfa AWUS036NHA support

    File name: openwrt tl-mr3020+luci+3g modem+awus036nha driver.bin
    Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
    Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 with luci, usb 3g modem support and capability to recognize alfa card AWUS036NHA...so u can use it as cpe or as another ap in one box.(pict)
    Distribution : freeware
    Md5 checksum:  336fe29ce4a7d82fa1cfd4fbc7b8d56b
    Download link: click here


    openwrt firmware for TP LINK MR3040+luci+3g modem_enable

    File name: openwrt-mr3040-luci-modem_enable.bin
    Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
    Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3040 with luci and usb 3g modem capability added
    Distribution : freeware
    Md5 checksum:  8ca10b6eb649adb45c639894739419a8
    Download link: clik here


    new place for raspenwrt project

    in my previous post about raspenwrt i split the file to accept google sites (repo limitation for maximum file size). As suggest from some audience who think why not in single files....so i think it will be good to place it in sourceforge...n here it goes


    Raspenwrt (Raspberry pi + Openwrt)

    File name: raspenwrt.img
    Size:   160 MB (167,772,160 bytes)
    Description: openwrt firmware for raspberry pi...it turning ur raspberry into powerfull router.
    Distribution : freeware
    Md5 checksum:  ab784725cfbbdc6cb525d8b764db9a76
    Download link: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 
    combine and than extract it to get the file
    single linkhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/raspenwrt/

    main issue:
    • Require 1000 mA or above power adapter to supply all device that connect into raspberry pi.
    • Require SD card minimum 1 GB class 6 or above, SD with class 4 it's not recomended
    • To get more space in root to install more openwrt module/app, you can resize second (mmcblkop2) partition that have ext 4 type with gparted (linux) or partition magic (windows)
    • Don't resize first partition in ur SD card (fat partition), it contain boot and mbr code...so dont change it at all  
    • Login via browser/ssh to with username: root pass: raspberryopenwrt 
    preview :


    Running Tor in openwrt [tp link mr 3020]

    running tor in bactrack it's easy...but how about running tor in ur router, 
    i might be more excited. imagine u use inet connection together but all connection being relay into tor connection...
    ok... let's start our engine 
    fisrt, install all required packet
    opkg update
    opkg install tor-alpha-openwrt
    opkg install tor-alpha-openwrt-geoip
    opkg install iptables-mod-nat-extra 
    this sections below is part my config files:
    config interface tor
            option ifname   "ath0"
            option proto    static
            option ipaddr
            option netmask

    config dhcp tor
        option interface    tor
        option start     100
        option stop    150
        option leasetime    12h

    config zone
            option name     tor
            option input    REJECT
            option output   ACCEPT
            option forward  REJECT
            option syn_flood 1
            option conntrack 1
    #open the port of the DHCP-Server, so that the clients get an ip
    config rule                                
            option src              tor        
            option proto            udp        
            option dest_port        67         
            option target           ACCEPT     
    #TOR transparent-proxy-port (set in /etc/tor/torrc)                                           
    config rule                                
            option src              tor        
            option proto            tcp        
            option dest_port        9040       
            option target           ACCEPT     
    #TOR DNS-proxy-port (set in /etc/tor/torrc)                                            
    config rule                                
            option src              tor        
            option proto            udp        
            option dest_port        9053       
            option target           ACCEPT
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ath0 -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT 
    --to-ports 9053 #redirects all DNS-requests on the interface ath0 to the 
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ath0 -p tcp --syn -j REDIRECT 
    --to-ports 9040 #redirects all tcp-requests on the interface ath0 to the 

    AutomapHostsOnResolve 1                                              
    TransPort 9040                                                          
    DNSPort 9053                                                              

    config wifi-device  wifi0
        option type     atheros
        option channel  auto
    #    option disabled 1
    config wifi-iface
        option device    wifi0
        option network    tor
        option mode    ap
        option ssid    'Piratebox'
        option encryption none


    (basic) Activate Monitoring Network Interface in TL-MR3020

    Tl-mr3020...I think it's already about three month i got this tiny things in mine. but still until now it always bring more pleasure with a lot of project can we make with this 3g wireless router. Let me see...piratebox project, DDwrt, Openwrt and don't forget bout the Minipwner.

    For now i'll show u to activate monitoring network interface in tl-mr3020 base on openwrt. but try this make sure u already done with exroot.

    packet u need to install first:
    - wireless-tools (This package contains a collection of tools for configuring wireless
     adapters implementing the "Linux Wireless Extensions".)
    - iw  (cfg80211 interface configuration utility)
    - aircrack-ng (wireless penetration tools)
    - mdk3 (wireless penetration tools) *optional, in this video below i just use this tool to make sure it working and not showing any error bout exist of monitor network interface (i got this message before).

    greets to: just our mentor lirva32

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