
Fix The SSID Karma Log (end)

I realized it's something different with my pineapple clone (see previous post), there is no SSID log being generated after karma start. Not just that ...the 'enabled' indicator also doesn't appear under dhcp leasess index (not the karma indicator in the left side).
But now it's already fixed.... hehhehe

i think am ready to write the full tutorial...ok c'ya in d next post. ^^


Pineapple clone on MR3040


Mark II: Instacampro for TL-MR3040 V1

Filename: openwrt-ar71xx-tl-mr3040-v1-instacampro-markII.bin
Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
Description: an upgraded of instacampro firmware for tplink MR3040 V 1. This f/w allow you to use mjpg-streamer (webcam video stream over web browser/app) for most of usb webcam china product without extroot or usb hub. So u can attach it with ur router everywhere or even mount it on RC car.
Distribution : freeware
Md5checksum: cbe36e891dff1dd5a965c3db514c0794

 Download link: click here 

Main issue:
  • Make sure to changes mjpg-streamer configuration to enabled first before u use it ( vi /etc/config/mjpg-streamer and change option enabled '0' to option enabled '1' ) *under ssh terminal
  • Check first ur web cam is recognized as 'video0' on device list by type ls /dev.
  • U can start mjpg-streamer by using mjpg-streamer -i "input_uvc.so"  -o "output_http.so -p 8080" or using /etc/init.d/mjpg_streamer start .
  • Go to  to watch under internet browser.
  • To access mjpg stream under android device u can use MJpegViewer app.
  • Get try... ^^


This is d output from my old webcam ZC0350 (very low res)...look's terrible but it's work & no need extroot or usb hub.


ADS-B on MR3020

File name: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-ads-b.bin
Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3020 that support rtl-sdr dongle and have dump1090 to decode ads-b signal
Distribution : freeware
Md5checksum: 87b86e1f456c10d66c54845440358c3b

 Download link: click here 


Need help
# dump1090 -h
Unknown or not enough arguments for option '-h'.
--device-index Select RTL device (default: 0).
--gain Set gain (default: max gain. Use -100 for auto-gain).
--enable-agc Enable the Automatic Gain Control (default: off).
--freq Set frequency (default: 1090 Mhz).
--ifile Read data from file (use '-' for stdin).
--interactive Interactive mode refreshing data on screen.
--interactive-rows Max number of rows in interactive mode (default: 15).
--interactive-ttl Remove from list if idle for (default: 60).
--raw Show only messages hex values.
--net Enable networking.
--net-only Enable just networking, no RTL device or file used.
--net-ro-port TCP listening port for raw output (default: 30002).
--net-ri-port TCP listening port for raw input (default: 30001).
--net-http-port HTTP server port (default: 8080).
--net-sbs-port TCP listening port for BaseStation format output (default: 30003).
--no-fix Disable single-bits error correction using CRC.
--no-crc-check Disable messages with broken CRC (discouraged).
--aggressive More CPU for more messages (two bits fixes, ...).
--stats With --ifile print stats at exit. No other output.
--onlyaddr Show only ICAO addresses (testing purposes).
--metric Use metric units (meters, km/h, ...).
--snip Strip IQ file removing samples < level.
--debug Debug mode (verbose), see README for details.
--help Show this help.
Debug mode flags: d = Log frames decoded with errors
D = Log frames decoded with zero errors
c = Log frames with bad CRC
C = Log frames with good CRC
p = Log frames with bad preamble
n = Log network debugging info
j = Log frames to frames.js, loadable by debug.html.

Simple execution: # dump1090 --interactive

get try...


rickroll on mr3040

File name: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3040-v1 rickroll.bin
Size:   3.75 MB (3,932,160 bytes)
Description: openwrt firmware for tplink MR3040 ver 1 with with auto rickroller feature (every link that users wants to connect will leads into local index in ur openwrt).
Distribution : freeware
Md5checksum: 22c63099bd192db5a46a07ee02b02531

 Download link: click here

main issue:
  • Pretty same function with mr3020 auto rickroll, but this one used for TP-LINK MR3040 ver 1. this f/w also get several changes in package and the landing point.... :P 
  • Right after u flashing the router u will get "free@wifi.id" as ur SSID (Always think like a fish, no matter how weird it gets).
  • There is a lot of chance if u want to inject ur own payloads on it (just edit the index.html or make something new).
  • This firmware only contain some basic packages, there is no Luci there. So i remind u again...don't try if not familiar with flashing thru ssh terminal/putty or else. 
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